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  • Bobby McFerrin – Say Ladeo

    София Савитри 998 Просмотров

    Будь Творцом своей Вселенной, твори от Сердца, наслаждайся процессом!

    Hey hey say Ladeo
    Time to put the words away
    The melody will tell the story
    As we go along

    .. story
    Starting journeys of fun and glories
    Say Ladeo

    Hey hey say Ladeo
    Time to put the words away
    Where getting to somewhere closer
    That’s hiding inside
    Words only take you so far and leave you
    Wondering just what it was you meant to
    Say what you would say if your heart led the way
    Take away the words
    Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
    Letting all the sounds just play

    Say Ladeo

    A song becomes a thousand songs
    And each and every heart
    Brings life and times and rhymes along
    All the dreams you never knew were there
    Sound and feeling
    Melody and prayer

    Say Ladeo

    A song becomes a thousand songs
    A prayer becomes a psalm
    So sing….whisper long

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